About the Man

I have always been a tinker and a thinker.  I am tinkering with my heart and thinking with my mind.

As of now I am an almost divorced man making sense of what the hell happened in my marriage and in my life that ended me being where I am at presently.

I am documenting my own personal experiences,  reinvention and growth during this time in my life and hope to even continue writing about my new adventures.  I hope that by sharing my experiences and what I have learned my essays will be able help other men who are experiencing some of the same challenges I am.  Through this process i decided to re-evaluating all of my old beliefs and how those beliefs affected the way that I thought and acted in my past relationships.  By doing so I hope to emerge as a better man much stronger and more successful than I ever was before.

I encourage your comments, discussions and stories.  I find encouragement and greater knowledge in discussing these and more topics with people I agree and disagree with.  I will never moderate or edit comments so feel free to write whatever thoughts you may have.

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