Posts Tagged ‘alpha’

Heartiste, as usual, does not disappoint in his uncovering of the pretty lies.  What was brought to us today is a young white suburbanite slut who gets chain railed by 12 black men, and then we find out her deplorable beta boyfriend forgives her in a slobbering display of emasculation.

Bebryqa      11EXExx

Women who insist on fucking interracially are like herpes patients.  Women will oftentimes keep their disease a secret from the men they meet and have sex with.  You may never find out as long as she does not have an outbreak when you are together, but an outbreak will eventually happen if you are with her long enough and when it does your in for a world of hurt and your own reoccurring flare ups.  That said, these types of women are irredeemable.  This piece is not about hating on the black men who bang these sluts.  All they did was exploit the opportunity of banging a white slut.  There is no shame in that.  However, it is the women themselves that have shown they totally lack not only self respect but discretion and they care not for any consequences arising from such abhorrent behaviors.  Women like this are going to be more apt to having multiple gangbangs and other examples of extreme sluttiness in their sexual histories and of course lying about it all when pressed for the truth by some future chump husband.  You will see many of them as single mothers, ending up divorced, doing drugs, excessive partying, never married and of course they are also highly likely to cheat if you find yourself the unfortunate victim of her.  Women like this need to always be abandoned by every white man so she may forever chase her love of the BBC.  She is forever contaminated.  As one commenter stated, “after you’ve slept with a black, you just can’t wash that shit off”.

My criticism also does not extent to interracial marriages per se where the marriage was built on a strong foundation (ie: a non gangster, educated, intelligent, well spoken black man and good white girl OR with a balck female/white male when it occurs).  These relationships, although quite rare, normally produce good and decent enough children and they often last if the couple embraces white culture.  The blacks in this scenario were also likely raised in predominantly white environment.  It is the women who date gangster nigga’s and who does shit like this that end up worse than useless for anything more than a pump and dump.  For that matter I would personally just forgo fucking any woman who has fucked a black man regardless of how hot she may be.  Normal (used loosely of course) white women when they hear about things like this will normally feel revulsion in the pit of their bowels.  Even the most progressive of women would feel this.  That is the normal response.  This behavior is the stuff of only but the biggest cum guzzling sluts.  The type of pairing off as brought to us by Heartiste is the common result of interracial relations.

It is important to point out that the different white woman who will usually fuck black men.  There is of course the fatties that white men don’t want anyways.  There are the “hot wives” married to emasculated and neutered beta men.  This is the proverbial cuckold.  And of course you have this prime example of good looking white meat, which although in the minority, this group grows as does the mixed race illegitimate pregnancies it produces thus further handicapping and already handicapped generation.

As this writer stated:

Am I wrong in saying this chick can still get it even after seeing all this, though? Like I’d prefer not to hear about the time she banged the Tuskegee Airmen while we’re hooking up but she’s still pretty sexy and clearly has the moral compass of Pol Pot. Bang of a lifetime if you can keep your dick from melting into Gak as a result.

As for the question on why do white sluts do this shit, aside from the obvious, she’s a slut, because all ho’s do not spread their legs and labia’s equally.  I would speculate that the sluts who will not fuck a black man still outnumber the ones that will.  Unfortunately I think, amongst the millenniums at least, this disparity is shrinking.  Much of this is probably due to the progressives normalizing gangsta behaviors and not holding blacks accountable for their action through PC enforcement against calling a spade a spade if you will.  As it is, the powers that be and rationalization hamsters everywhere are trying to normalize an activity that is quite probably very detrimental to our society.  In the past there where social controls that not only stigmatized this sort of behavior but provided for immediate and harsh punishments for the actors.  These controls are now nonexistent.  If fact we have come full circle and women everywhere will now celebrate other women’s slutty behavior using the guise of being sex positive.

One commentator asked in Heartiste’s article, why white women are attracted to black men?  White men have refused to appreciate how the black man relates to women of all races.  Black men are normally and quite naturally more alpha than white men as a group.  Through selective breeding they also have better muscle development.  I just wanted to randomly throw that out.  You will rarely meet a black man who does not have pussy available to him on demand.  Many unmarried black men maintain harems.  White men can learn a lot by watching a black man interact with various women.  Much of what I have learned is that black men simply have much more moxie in general when dealing with women.  It is not uncommon for a black man to call out to woman and have her respond positively to him.  It seems that black men can sense these women and exploit the opportunities more consistently that most white men.  Also black men do not have the aversion to “group activities” that white men often do.  In my own experience when the opportunity presented itself, I have seen white men pull this sort of thing on various young hotties, but it took one or more of the group being excessively bold to pull it off.  I of course do not recommend adopting or imitating any other aspect of black culture, lest one lessens his overall value.

It is important to point out that black women are probably the most difficult race of females to deal with in a relational and sexual sense.  The black race in general is based upon a matriarchal family system.  This goes back thousands of years to the tribes in Africa and the black community reflects this.  Black women have always been more promiscuous in the sense that it was not unusual for a black woman to have children from multiple men.  The last man in this line would marry the woman and raise all of the children as his own.  This created a strong community with close ties and resulted in generally strong families.  The welfare state basterdized this to the extent of what we see today with the majority of blacks being raised in single mother households and the lack of positive masculine influences’ for these children due to the now incentivizing for these women not to marry lest she lose her welfare checks.  Suffice it to say that without going into this in such detail that would end up reading like a research study, white woman and black women are polar opposites in terms of behaviors as it relates to relationships yet now similar in regards to female sexuality.  Black men have had to evolve and learn certain skills in order to successfully get past the oftentimes over embellished Strong Independent Woman™ personas most black women portray.  This is why white men marrying black women is still quite rare, although it is now fairly common for the opposite to occur.

Now this incident has forever been memorialized on the interwebz where it will stay to only be discovered in some unspecified future by this woman’s beta husband.  He will complain that she will not give him this type of free uninhibited sex and she will come clean about some of her past, and like this woman’s current boyfriend he will forgive her and tell her it was ok that she ate 12 cocks in one night.  She will eventually bore of him and discard him, whilst stealing his money and children from him.  Before she finds her herb, the otherwise good men who meet her will deduce enough of her past behaviors where she will get repeatedly pumped and dumped until her soul is gone and she is nothing but a used up vessel filled only with the semen of the multitudes of lovers and BBC past.  This is the real world consequences for her for that one night of slutty fun.   All we can do is laugh and feel the nausea build up inside of our guts as we use her and her boyfriend as an example that yes, all women do posses this very nature and a beta’a worse nightmare is only one or 12 Alabama Black Snakes away.

mbqsm3 awkward

Maddy 078

A fun and yet informative article on why sex everyday is very good indeed for marriages.  I would suspect this same attitude would benefit any LTR as well.  It comes on the heels of The Spreadsheet Couples troubles which would not have occurred if the woman followed Meg Conley’s advice. I have to agree with much of what this writer said and would think that her marriage, like others where the wife has a healthy attitude about sex, are likely very happy not only in their marriages but in life as well.  Of course I am a man and when my lovers approach sex like this it does make the relationship oh so much better.

The most important thing I noticed is that in the comment section you can see the truth about our society’s general attitude about sex and specifically sex in marriage.  Our society’s women by an overwhelming majority had devolved its notions of human sexuality.  I expected to read that no man should ever expect sex and how being a mother is somehow so degrading and unempowering.  Well what the fuck is modern marriage for then?  I was of course not disappointed.  No wonder our birth rates are so low and our divorce rates are so high.  Why would a man want to reproduce with such a creature that is the modern empowered woman?  Unfortunately the plugged men in often do.  The comment section essentially became a tirade by these feminists and the dutiful white knights supporting them.  It’s fun to look at these men’s profiles and see that they are fat bastards with peculiar hobbies.  I will briefly mention that if white knights would stop reproducing already or just take the red pill it would go a long way to finally killing off feminism.  However it is only when we put controls back on women’s hypergamy will we see improvements.  Unfortunately it will require the help of the AFC’s and white knights to accomplish this.

The feminists completely freaked out over one statement the author made that being a mother is “one of the ultimate expressions of womanhood”.  That statement is actually highly accurate and I would think that being a mother IS the ultimate expression of womanhood.  The feminists and the white knights, who outnumber the rational folks by a very uncomfortable margin as they always seem to do, go on and on about how it is not right and somehow immoral to see women as having children and God forbid, want to have sex and desire to please their husbands, as the normal beautiful thing it is. When you see a woman who has a positive and healthy attitude about sex, you see her man as also happy and wanting to give her happiness and pleasure.  It’s a self feeding circle of marital bliss.  Several of these women also criticized the author’s over simplification of men’s basic needs, where she said that if we are well fed and well fucked, men are usually pretty happy.  I think many of these types of comments were made by women who simply didn’t want to have sex with their husbands.  I don’t think I can disagree with that statement because nothing says I love you to a man like an awesome sammich before or after some really good sex.

What is ironic is that the women who could not have children for whatever reason really fly off the handle.  Many comments open discuss this.  These women have finally realized that that they cannot have it all as they face the wall and spinsterhood.  Some will snag their beta, but as the words used in the comments, many remain unmarried.  I sense a lot of guilt and regret in those comments, but solipsism and the feminine imperative keeps them from acknowledging their own responsibility for their very own failures.  Many of these commentators then make claims that defy nature and biology.  What these women fail to realize is that their attitudes are hurting their own happiness.  When there is relational equality, there is bad sex and unhappy partners.  You can almost see the bitter tears through the comments.  What the comments from the women boiled down to was that they had all sorts of insecurities about not being attracted to, and attractive to their husbands, being infertile, not being able to orgasm and of course the whole working mother thing and all of its related stresses.  The ideology that these women so believe in is the very same belief system that is the source of all of their unhappiness.

Another issue I want to take to task is that you have many women’s comments speak of how hard it is to work and be a mother and wife.  It is easy to see that all of the working mothers really hate on the SAHM.  Maybe if they reduced their expenditures and did things more traditionally like, oh the woman stays at home and raises the children and takes care of her husband.  It is really out there to think like that, I know.  Modern women will have nothing to do with this notion because raising a family and keeping your man happy is degrading and goes against the branding of the Strong and Independent Woman™.

It has been shown over and over again, and this article just proves it yet again, that the typical modern woman hates everything about masculine sexuality.  That is the medium of the message that you will read in every article from the one above to this one where essentially the same things are discussed.


Ironically I found the above picture from a magazine article from the 1960’s on the same feminist’s blog.  These women there also criticize the wisdom of the advice given and even go so far as to claim that those values never really existed.  It when I read women talk about these issues I again am reminded that Feminism really is a mental disorder.

The commentators overwhelmingly bash on the one red pill guy who just happens to agree with me, yet he and his ardent supporters of rational thinkers were greatly outnumbered.  As I stated yesterday to a white knight defending feminine imperative:

It could be he was trying to gain their approval in an effort to test the waters because he thinks spanking might be a good idea (unlikely), or he was entering into their frame as a white knight so that he could show these women how great and special he is because he not like that sadistic monkey over at The Reinvention of Man who like to spank his lovers asses red and then have wild sex with them (likely)

Or as Rollo puts it:

“What interested me most about this ‘discussion’ wasn’t just the intensity of the responses, but also how quickly and comfortably the Plugins were in their need to set the “troglodytes” straight. You see, in our disconnected lives it’s much more difficult to express our ideology without real-time social repercussions. We can get fired from a job, kicked out of our social circle, excommunicated from church or not be asked back to the lady’s bridge club when we venture a disenting perspective on a great many topics.”

Essentially the majority of the comments by women call childbearing unnatural, degrading, and unnecessary.  I wonder what how they would react if their mothers though of them as disgusting little parasites, as some of these women called little babies.  Apparently these women failed their biology and sex-ed classes.

One woman tried to enter some logic into the exchange and actually gets close to seeing it.

Cameron Mcmahan , I feel sorry for you…Advice for future…When you are a guy, you cannot make any comment which can in the farthest sense be considered anti-feminist…No matter how valid it is….

I think that the point Mr. Cameron Mcmahan is trying to make is that every species has the main target to survive. There have been many scientific researches about it and have been extrapolated to human species…Why are peacocks beautiful?? Why does lion have a mane?? Why in every species the male is given the extra plumes to impress females?? That is nature’s law…. If you believe that human species is different then that is your opinion and it is equally valid whether me or Mr. Cameron Mcmahan agree with it or not.

Fertile or Infertile, the pleasure of holding , developing and if possible creating a life and a baby IS unbeatable…I have never felt as invincible as on the day the doctor held those tiny feet and told me that you are a mom now…I have friends who have adopted children and they felt the same way when they held their baby for the first time…

I don’t believe that both genders should be treated equal … because they are not “comparable”… I do not believe that creating a good marriage and having children is anyway demeaning…I, for one, am proud to have that role… And yeah, I have been a working woman for a pretty long time and DID give it up entirely by choice and to all the feminists, there is nothing bad about it…

If you do not wish to have children or cannot have children, its ok…you dont have to defend it…you do not need to prove anything to anyone…The fact that you are defending it just goes to show that you have some doubts about your decisions…

So this begs two questions. Is childbearing one of the ultimate expressions of womanhood, or is it THE ultimate expression?  And, would marriages be better if the wife was more giving in sex as an expression of her commitment, love and respect for her husband?

Christianity has become extremely feminized over the last 20 years or so and I would say that the women a man would meet in church are worse marriage material than the women he would normally meet in the secular world.  Churched women have an unrealistically high sense of entitlement that would be difficult for any man to satisfy, Christian or not.   And of course as a man you will receive a constant barrage of “Man Up” and “men bad- women good” messages, with some twisted scriptures thrown in for an illusion of credibility.  As for me, I have an evangelical protestant background from when I started attending church on my own in my early 20’s but I was not brought up in any church.   The following are mostly from my own personal observations.  I no longer attend Church nor will I ever again.

You have 3 types of women in church:

  1. The actual virgins are looking for the perfect husband and are often so deluded with lists so long that only Christ himself would qualify as good enough to pop her holy cherry. Many of the young women in this group seem to turn their virginity into a type of idolatry.  It seems that God turns out to be the biggest cock block for those men with enough guts to approach these girls.  I say guts because with these young women it will be like traversing a battlefield with the prize of her pure untouched punanni on the other side.  You will just have to hope and pray (and trust her word, lol) that she wasn’t giving up anal sex and blowjobs in an effort to save her pussy for marriage so she could “technically” still be a virgin.  Of course the average churched young man would need to have every qualification on her 463 bullet point list and need to put a ring on her finger before you can get into her panties.  Just remember that these same women have been promised in all of her church groups, in the sermons she heard and from the elders women that their virginity is so valuable and the sex will be so good in marriage that these women on that faithful night will expect nothing less than the planets aligning, the seas parting and little birds singing as they sit on the windowsill.  Unfortunately it is unlikely that she will even reach orgasm that first night and if her new husband is also a virgin they will have quite a bit of a learning curve to deal with.  The worse things these women could do is marry a man who is a virgin himself.  I think it would be best if these young women married men who were considerably older and more experienced than them as was the norm for most of human civilization.  Only an older experienced man has the hand to deal with these entitlement princesses.  Her virginity would only be partial payment for the work he would have to do with her.  However no modern church would ever condone such a thing.  Some of these women will never learn to settle for a real man when compared to the imaginary prince she envisions, and will end up the 30 year old spinster virgin who has lost whatever looks she had and her fertility window.  Many of these women have an unrealistic vision in their heads of what they think they deserve because God said that they are the princess’s to the His Kingdom.  It’s sad to think of all of the good men they ended up disregarding out of hand because of these expectations.  This woman will still need to be gamed hard by her husband because her entitlement monkey will be strong in her.


  1. Now we have the born again sluts who rode the carousel hard and are so screwed up biologically, mentally and emotionally that any man who dates (or God forbid, marry) them is in for a world of hurt, torment and self doubt. (Yes, I have seen this many times). I will say this in case you didn’t figure it out from the previous sentence; NO RINGS FOR SLUTS! Period.  The singles ministries are full of them.  They can fake being good girls but an observant man can pick out these women.  You can always go to the Sunday morning nightclub and score with these women where they outnumber the men significantly, but do not marry them.  These women have low impulse control regardless of their new found faith and only the strongest of alpha’s will be able to hold her down (at least temporarily) in what would likely only end up only being a semi monogamous relationship.  For any guy with Game trying to score with these women they are perfect pickings.  Just don’t marry them.  I have even seen men in church have a harem of these types of women in the same church, although this is very rare because most churches will kick such a guy out quickly.  Another thing with these women is that the church will never hold them accountable.


  1. Then you have the old housewives who although may stay at home, home school and all of that, you can tell just by meeting them briefly that they are overbearing harpies and all of their husbands are incurable beta chumps who behind the masks of the “yes dears” are utterly miserable. These women will support women’s preferred type of sexual promiscuity, serial monogamy.  They will make sure that men are adequately shamed for such infraction such as dating much younger women and those who do not tow the modern trad-con line.   It is these women that either directly work with church leaders to drive out good alpha Christian men or create the environment where good alpha men will not come to church.  These women will often try to make sure certain rules are followed in order to give other Christian women moral cover for their bad decisions and lack of discretion.  These same women are the ones raising and teaching these younger women in the church how to get what they think they are entitled too.  It is bad that they refuse to follow and heed God’s words in the matter.


The modern church will also ruin a good woman.  Yes, those women do exist in very small numbers.  In all good conscience I would never take my daughters or any woman I am in a relationship with to any modern church.  Now good churches do exist, but they are few and far between.  The good ones won’t have rock bands or child ministries or any of that “new” stuff.  The best type of worship services are held in someone’s living room.  But because the pastors of these churches are usually still beta white knights and total mangina’s I am still given pause.  Either way these good women will be negatively influenced by their Christian sisters and that is never a good thing.  In reality Christian women are not looking for a Christian man to marry so they can be a good wife to him and mother to his children, no, they are looking for a man to worship them like she worships herself.


See Also:

Reframing Christian marriage

Reframing Christian marriage part 2: rebelling wives aren’t to blame for their own rebellion.

Reframing Christian marriage part 3: husbands as helpmeets.

Reframing Christian marriage part 4: judging the performance.

Reframing Christian marriage part 5: sex as a weapon.

The Typical Christian Woman’s List

His name is Robert Lindsay.  Yesterday I posted an essay about his criticism of Game and his personal attacks on various writers in the sphere.  I commented on the essay he wrote pertaining to the same subject.  I thought we had a good back and forth going on at first as I was thinking he just did not get some of the basic premises of Game theory and so forth.  However after reading more about him I see that he is suffering from severe cognitive dissonance and probably some sort of narcissistic disorder because he thinks everything in the world should be fair and men shouldn’t have to change or be engaging in order to succeed with women all the while attempting to learn Game himself.  It’s weird actually.  I guess he wants to still be able to be a dweeb and score with hot chicks.  It was no surprise that I found out he is a radical liberal and a Communist.  Like all liberals he lives in a fantasy land and he is a hypocrite because anyone who disagrees with him is an asshole then banning them if they have a “hostile tone”.  I have to LOL this one.

Anyways, throughout his blog in almost every article he bans someone and anyone he disagrees with.  I suppose I should have not been surprised that he banned me for disagreeing with him and then calling me an asshole.  I truly wanted to help him because looking at his picture and reading his articles; he needs all the help he can get.  But like it has always been stated, some men you just can’t help.

Below are my comments to him and his responses.  There is value in that it may help those trying to overcome their misunderstanding or objections to Game. Or we can just have a quick laugh at the weird guy’s expense.  Whatever dude.


Robert Lindsay

August 5, 2014 at 4:41 AM

To me, a 10 is simply a woman in the Top 10% of attractiveness. That’s all there is to it, real simple.

Game isn’t futile. But the notion that all men can be Alphas is insanity, and this what the whole lunatic PUAshpere is all about. It’s madness.

Nevertheless, I think most guys would do better to learn some of the principles of Game and to try to be more Alpha. The more you learn Game and the more Alpha you act, I think the more success you are going to have with women.

That whole PUAsphere is absolutely repulsive. I don’t even see how you guys can read any of that shit. SMFH.

Also, how come 100% of Game and PUA sites are run by reactionaries?! Why do all Game and PUA sites have be part of some shit called the Alt Right (the modern reactionary movement). Game is simply the truth. Why don’t progressive men need to learn this stuff too? I mean the truth is that many of us Left guys have always known a lot of this stuff, and personally I have been practicing a lot of this Game stuff for 35 years now, but still, it is sickening that the only websites we can go to to talk about how to get girls are run by reactionary shits and misogynist fucks. Sickening.



August 5, 2014 at 10:47 PM

Really dude?  The common sites promoting game promote nothing more than positive masculinity and self improvement in one flavor or another. Maybe it’s that that you really have a problem with? Improving one’s self often leads to more attention from women. Its cause and effect. For the moralist they can choose the best women to date, have sex with, marry, etc. For amoral men they may choose to bang as many of these women as they can.

The biggest issue I see that you have is that you seem to think that these writers think much less of men who would be considered “beta” or “lesser alphas”. Now I can see why it’s funny to make fun of men who are “omegas” and such. (I use these terms loosely of course). The omegas seem to want to keep their head in the sand and deny the existence of many of our current problems by just wishing they did not exist. Many of these same men will choose to criticize Game in all of its formats instead of spending their time improving themselves or going out and actually meeting women.

Anyways back to my point. Roissy, Vox, Deti, and all of the others seem to have a genuine interest in helping the betas and even the omegas improve themselves and improve their success with women. I have been an avid reader of many sites in the sphere for quite some time and very rarely if ever do I see the vitriol you expressly state exists.

Although I have always had pretty good experiences meeting women I do not consider myself a womanizer or great alpha by any means. However I still met many a HB8 and above and married a woman who objectively was considered a HB9. She is tall, blue with long blonde hair and has a high IQ. Unfortunately it was my BETA mindset and her feminist ideology that led to the failure of the marriage. Not that I’m sorry about it because it’s what I learned from these sites that helped me to realize what a catch I am and helped me to be even more successful at meeting new higher quality women.

As for the other issues you bring up, I will say that your take is very debatable and conflict with my own personal observations and experiences. Even my wife had to prove herself to me when we first started dating because I was dating several other women at the same time. She didn’t like it of course but I think that it increased her attraction to me. That’s the way it works in reality it seems.

Robert Lindsay

August 6, 2014 at 12:01 AM

Trust me, I have no truck with masculinity of self-improvement and trust me, Game sites go far beyond that.

You want to give me a reason why all PUA sites are swarming with the most horrible misogyny? You want to give me a fucking reason why I have to be a Godddamn reactionary to sharpen my pickup skills? You want to give me a reason why most Game sites not only hate women but also hate men who don’t make much money (See the Libertarianism) and people who aren’t White (notice that at this point most of the PUA idiots are White nationsists if not overt fucking Nazis). You want to give me a reason why most of these PUA tools are insanely narcissistic if not sociopathic? You want to give me a reason why all PUA advocate treating women like shit? You want to point out these PUA sites that don’t advocate being a promiscuous player Alpha and instead teach you how to settle down with your wife? You want to name me one fuckin site like that?

Ok, now you see my beefs.

You may not believe this but I read these sites myself, and of course I practice Game myself. If you knew about my life, you would realize that I was already practicing “Game” in the late 1970’s in my teens (all of us were – we had to be). A lot of this is stuff you already know or have been doing anyway. There is some new stuff there and I have been taking notes from all of these Game sites all the time. I agree that they have a lot of cruel and awful truths to tell, and I agree that your life tends to go better with Game.

Now you see that I am part of the Loyal Opposition maybe you will calm down.

I am very happy you used Game to have a happier and more productive relationship with your current girl and with the ones who came before. I myself am using Game to improve my relationships. My beef is not with Game per se but with some of the subaspects of it and mostly with the fucktards who peddle it.

You seem to be implying that most men would do better if they tried to be more “Alpha” in their behaviors, no matter how the Alpha – Beta – Omega scorecard plays out when the whistle blows. I agree. Alphas, Betas and Omegas can probably all improve their lives with women by employing variations of Game.

As you can see, we are actually on the same page here.


August 6, 2014 at 1:18 AM

Angry much? For one Dalrock promotes relationship game within a Christian context while also promoting a more moral execution of game theory. He does not advocate male promiscuity. I would love to emulate his marriage. Rollo Tomassi is another who speaks a lot about gender dynamics while leaving out politics and most personal experiences. That is 2 sites instead of just 1 like you asked for.
As for your accusation of misogyny well I think your opinion is quite subjective because your premise is faulty. How about we talk about misandry?
The blacks have their own sites. Furthermore blacks and whites approach mating and gender dynamics differently. Learn about black’s intergender dynamics pre and post Reconstruction Acts then report back. Your findings will surprise you. Also, there is no rule saying I have to write my essays in such a way as to encourage readers from other races. That’s just pure PC bullshit. Otherwise none of these sites are fundamentally racists. Point to a specific example of blatant racism, if you can.

As for your issue of Game being reactionary. We all react to outside forces. When there is a bad storm coming I close the windows to my house. Game is a reaction to feminism (of all flavors) and the harmful effects it created and the harmful ideologies it inspired in women and to mangina type men. You come out strongly saying that the men who successfully use game in their mating strategies are sociopathic, well considering that the newspeak for otherwise normal behaviors is now considered bad I’m not surprised you make that accusation. It’s wrong though to the extent that the behaviors are developed and controlled. Most powerful and successful men have some or many of these so called traits. Its natural human behaviors in a certain subset of our population. You do not have to like the fact for the fact to be true.

Poverty is a state of mind. I actually currently broke, but I’m not poor. I have made money and I have struggled financially as I’m currently doing so now. My current situation does not affect my ability to meet high quality women to any great degree. When I have more money, sure its easier but that’s just common sense. More money makes you more attractive to women. However for those of us with less we have to compensate with our awesome personality.

Simply, game works. Men without game don’t get laid, at least not very often and usually not with quality women. Love it or hate it, that’s just the way it is.

You have obviously invested heavily in your opinions and your subsequent hate of all things Game related even though you use it. Some of my most important advisers I do not like personally. However that does not change the validity of their info or knowledge. I see value for what it is, where it is.
I think it’s intellectually dishonest of you to criticize Game and its advocates while practicing the techniques it promotes. If not for those men we would not have learned what we have and our lives would be less rich for it. You should be grateful they spend the time they do to write and compile the information they put out, sometimes at a personal expense.

As the old saying goes, love the player, hate the game.

I see you trying to couple your liberal ideology with game theory and it various flavors. I see that this may be creating a sort of dissonance in you. Us smart guys sometimes have a problem with this. However your resistance to things is a normal symptom of taking the red pill and in time it will pass. It’s a hard thing to reevaluate ones belief system and find out that there oh so many pretty lies.
There is more I can write but I’m tired. One last thought. I have read many of the comments to your articles and what I see is a lot of men who refuse to accept the truth and the reality about how the world works and thus probably do not succeed to any great degree with women. Life’s not fair and it certainly as hell aint equal.


Robert Lindsay

August 6, 2014 at 2:40 AM

Look I am banning you. Your presence here suffices to prove to me that almost all of you Game characters are assholes. You are also violating the Comments Rules. Hostile tone.


I found this post on Alpha Game to be a very entertaining and illuminating back and forth between an older Christian man denouncing Game and Deti, Vox and Yohami to name but a few.  The OP was originally about a socially inept liberal manboob’s rant calling Roissy an asshole for his writing about Game, women’s natural hypergamy, and essentially the poor state of things in our morally corrupt society that has gotten rid of all restrictions on bad female behavior while shaming men who exhibit positive masculine traits.   Unfortunately this is a common stance held by the majority of men who throughout their lives, have utterly failed with women and the White Knights who proclaim themselves followers of Christ.  (There are also many secular white knight manboobs.)  Both groups, while sometime differing in their ideology, cause great harm by encouraging women to not only behave badly but they give an air of acceptance to women’s poor behaviors and downplay the consequences of those behaviors.  They are also harmful in respect to misleading men by denying the true nature of women (they think they are all special snowflakes) and denying all levels of Game.

It’s interesting to note a few things found not in the article per se, but in the comment section.  The first issue of import is that all women are in fact sexual beings.  I even read something recently that stated that women are in fact more sexual than men.  I can see some truth in that.  For the sake of staying on topic we can put that aside for now. The important issue is that all men and women, in and out of the Church are members of the SMP.  Whether they are married or not is also irrelevant because even in marriage couple have sex, or at least they should be doing so, exclusively with each other of course.

As Deti stated here, even women in the Church are looking for sex with attractive men.  In fact some of these women may even have husbands.  You can go into any medium or large sized church and see that the women are dressed not for church but for the Sunday Morning Nightclub.  I think the short skirts and panty shots should be proof enough.  However too many men will try so hard to tell us aware men that these women are all good girls when in fact many of them are reformed (born again) sluts.

I encourage you to read the article and the comments for a pretty good debate that shows how Game is not only valid but a necessary component to not only meeting women but maintain a happy marriage.  I will point out that Game itself is not immoral.  Some aspect such as banging many different hot women may infuriate the moralist in some of you, but before you condemn game, lets condemn the behaviors of women and our society at large, like female sexual promiscuity and no fault divorce that gave rise to the necessity of Game in every man’s life and in every mans marriage.

Personally I like having sex with a variety of attractive women, but I prefer the special connection found only in a monogamous relationship with one woman I can love and trust.  However those women are exceedingly rare.  Because of this I am selective about the woman I have sex with by my choice, not social ineptitude.   Game and my naturally attractive persona give me this ability to not only make this choice but to be choosy.  Without Game I am susceptible to not only falling into beta behaviors in a comfortable monogamous relationship with a woman and thus would encourage the premature end to the relationship, I would only have 2nd or 3rd tier women to choose from or be chosen from.

To me there is a profound difference in meaningless sex, or sex just for the act of ejaculation and passionate sex with a woman who I really love, care about, and trust.

My married sex life lacked the passionate sex I so craved all of the time.  I can count on my appendages the times that the sex was actually very good during my marriage.  It was not like my wife was not hot, she was.  She even tried to do things from time to time.  However we just never had that chemistry, or if we did, something else was screwed up between us.  I do blame a lot of our marriage problems of her feminist beliefs and her neo-Christianity.  I still think that had she not joined a gyno-centric church we would have made it and had had a good marriage.  Also she was very repressed about her own sexuality in general.  I once believed, albeit incorrectly, that this was a problem I needed to correct.

After many years of lame duty sex I thought I sucked at being a lover.  The lame sex in my marriage affected me deeply.  I began to doubt myself.  I felt inadequate.  I was dying inside, slowly over many years. After she left I doubted myself even more.  I felt worse.

I even spoke to a couple of my female clients about it while I was still married and they offered to “grade” me.  I declined their offers, which I regret doing so now.  After she left I noticed that with the variety of women I started banging that I was in fact a very good lover.  They not only told me so, they showed me with their sexual responses and their bodies.  I enjoyed the passion of the entire act from seduction and foreplay to post coitus cuddling.  My lovers enjoyed how I loved the entire act.  One particular woman I met after my wife left me brought out all of those many years of my sexual repression and my wife’s denial of my own sexual pleasure.  She allowed me to explore my sexuality in a safe environment and with her.  The one thing her and I had was a connection.  I always looked forward to our lovemaking.  For days after we made love I felt complete, I felt like a man.  These feelings compelled me to be a better man overall.  These feelings she aroused in me also compelled me to want to please her in every way.  I wanted to spend time with her when I could.  It was with her I no longer doubted my sexual abilities.  It was after her that all of my lovers showed me that I was ranked among their very best.  For that I will always be grateful to her.  Unfortunately, the relationship had to end for other reasons, but our time together will be counted as a fond memory of mine.

After that woman and some others I have had, I no longer desire meaningless sex with just any woman.  It is more than knowing I am the prize and my natural aloofness.  It is that in a loving relationship where we both love and trust each other a connection happens that leaves me feeling full.  It is that connection that I am seeking.  I know there will be meaningless sex along the way, but I will always seek out the “connection” that makes me a better man.

I know couples that have that connection.  I have spoken to both men and women about their sex lives.  The best relationships are those where they both can feel open and honest with each other to not only express their fantasies but explore them with each other.  I think this woman gets it from the female point of view.  Another thing I noticed is that when a woman embraces her own and her man’s sexuality he will normally stop desiring other women and desire to commit to only her.  I think that women who have a problem with their men looking at porn should take heed to this.  If he can equate that full feeling and connection that (he craves with you) to having sex with you, then I don’t see porn being a problem in your relationship.

Empowered Strong Independent Women™ will scream that its just a number.  Well, when your dealing with numbers you have to do the math.  Right?  The video below puts a funny spin on how many miles of cock a woman will take by the time she is ready to settle down with Mr. Right or more correctly Mr. Good Enough.  Let’s all say it out loud “Alpha Fucks and Beta Bucks.

One thing Terry failed to address in the video is that the men described in the article are probably Alphas in their own ways and they likely are the ones rejecting (for long term relationships and marriage) the women that follow this mating strategy.

I am working on several essays that deal with the issue of why most men don’t want to marry promiscuous women.

I’m a car guy so I’m going to use a car analogy.  In some cases I will pay top dollar for a newer rare hard to find car with low mileage, such as a SRT-8 Challenger, however I will never pay more than getto-ride price for any generic car with over 120,000 miles.  I see men all of the time paying full sticker price for cars (women) that have over 250,000 miles (or 500 miles of cock) on the clock.  These cars have knocking engines, the tires are bald, the seats are worn and the body is all too often banged up.

Watch the video below.  It explains a part of these issues using some math.  Also, follow this blog because the following essays will explain these issues in detail.


/\ For whatever reason I can’t embed this video properly so click on the link above. /\

By :MonkeyWerks

Women hate to watch a man struggle; it makes them sick and their pussy as dry as popcorn farts.  They will make every excuse to run away from you as fast as they can unless of course you are that uber alpha rock band bass player.

When C broke ended our relationship, she did so because I am pretty broke. That night I had to ask her if she had really ever struggled in life, specifically financially.  I knew the real answer, but I had to ask anyways.

Some men have not had to struggle either, but I think most men have had times where they had to struggle financially and sometimes even to the point of being on the brink of losing everything.

Most of us when we go through hard times pick ourselves up and work to fixing the problems.  We scrimp and live frugally.  We change our lifestyle in order to reduce the need for financial resources.  In other words we adopt a simpler lifestyle.  Sometimes this simpler lifestyle gives us a means to a sort of financial independence.  I have seen many men who made large annual incomes yet although they had more “nice stuff” they did not have any independence and their overall happiness with their lives was lower.

As I see it financial independence is such that I could live my life and do what I want when I want.  This may not entail having the resources to become a jetsetter but being able to live comfortably on a minimal annual income stream has always been a goal of mine.  My current lifestyle allows me to work only a few hours per day.  With the income that comes in I can tend my garden and pursue many of my other interests.  Some of these pursuits also make money which offsets the costs of my various hobbies.  As things in my life stabilize, I believe that in the next 24 months I will be living a much more carefree life filling my days with my children’s laughter and the satisfaction of doing the things I most want to do.  That is freedom.  I don’t mind doing the hard work to live naturally and off of my land reloading my own ammo or working on my turbo cars.  Freedom does not necessitate I drive an $80,000 car or live in a 5000 sq/ft house.  A nice home on some land and my current collection of fast cars is plenty for me.  This was a goal I though even my ex-wife was interested in.

However, for many women my ideal would never be enough.  They would always want that big house, a big diamond and the expensive car to drive.  In their gut they will desire to acquire the symbols of social status, including the hot alpha man if they can pull it off, but a beta will do if he makes enough money.  Many women have been raised to expect this either by being brought up in a household with higher than average income or being married to or involved with successful (but beta) men.  Of course they need a man to work his ass of so she can realize her ambitions, which is the common denominator in all of this.  These women will trade whatever they need to and nothing more to secure a mans resources.  This can be her conditional sexual intimacy, children and even a cleverly disguised feigned genuine interest in the man’s goals and ambitions.  I have seen this far too often.  My ex-wife admitted this to me one day in not so many words and C has also admitted to me that they were both very interested and supportive of my ambitions until it became apparent they too would need to work hard and help me if they were to benefit from my labors.  These women acted the same differing only by degrees and detail in the execution of their overall plans to run away as soon as it became necessary that their hands might get dirty.  Upon realizing this I had decided I will never work for a woman ever again.  I will only work for me.  She may follow me and even possibly enjoy SOME of the fruits of my labors if she helps out, but she will never be either the motivation or the sole recipient of these fruits.  I will never buy a woman a house or car.  I will not pay for her hobbies such as her horses.  The only thing she offered me was sex and escorts and young sluts can provide that if necessary and for a much lower overall cost.  Most women will make excuses and run whenever it became necessary for them to help their man out a jam.  This is why it is important to never rely on a woman or her help in order for you to realize your goals.  Of course this was not always the situation, but it now seems the norm with the modern woman.

My ex-wife is living the typical post divorce lifestyle.  I really do feel bad for her, but the choice was all hers and so are the consequences.  She seems to be just getting by but is not doing well by any means.  Many of my influences, such as simple and holistic living, have rubbed off on her and her current lifestyle depicts this, but her execution of my influences is terribly flawed, which is why she will always struggle financially until she either gets remarried or gets a higher paying job thus trading much of her freedom of choice for more financial security. She would also have to stop homeschooling our daughters at this time.  Between her added expenses of paying for her own household without my help and her desire to keep my children away from me, she is running ragged by her situation and it shows.  She is starting to look like shit.  She needs a roommate to help her financially because she is unable to afford live on her income alone.  She eschewed being married to me, a loving and faithful husband who worked hard for his family and a father for our children to living with various other women with their (probable illegitimate) children which only accelerates my daughters being fucked up even more.  She will have no choice, like most divorced women, but to find (settle for) and marry a man who can (put her on a pedestal) provide for her financially.  My mother did this, my brother’s fiancé with her 3 children from 3 different men is doing this with my brother and C had been attempting to groom me to do this for her. Almost every other divorced woman I know or have met aspires to this same end if they have not already succeeded in securing their provider chump after their run on the carousel.  This illuminates several other problems and issues I will address in later essays but suffice it to say although she has tried I won’t be this fucking guy.  However, this essay is not about my ex-wife, it is about my former lover C.

I am going to use her as an example because it is a perfect one in my opinion, to show how the modern woman thinks in these and similar situations.  It also shows why I have no desire to bust my ass for an older slutty woman, a single mother, a reborn again Christian virgin, or a feminist.  In Financial Frame I explained some of the dynamics at play.  One thing I want to mention is that she made a very big deal about how she made more money than me.  I personally did not have a problem with that personally, but she did.  She stated that men feel inferior when their woman earns more. I think that Rollo had it right when he wrote about this dynamic conflicting with her Hypergamic nature,

She was raised in an upper middle class home with a SAHM and had never had to go hungry or worry if there was money to buy shoes.  Her parents have more than $3 million in the bank from what I understand.  In and of itself that’s good.  My family was quite poor growing up and I don’t wish than on anyone.  When she graduated high school at 18 she was engaged to and lived with a guy and apparently she worked but they were pretty broke.  Now to be fair, her parents made her work from a young age and instilled a good work ethic in her.  In this regard she was awesome and at first I thought she would be an asset to my endeavors, but as was shown above, she only expended her energies for things that would benefit her directly and immediately.  The two main drawbacks to her upbringing are that her mother is a narcissist and due to inadequate bonding caused C to have acquired a form of Borderline Personality Disorder as many American women currently have to some degree and she was brought up by her beta father to be a Strong Independent Woman®.  As I incorrectly assumed that my wife would assist me in getting back on track, I also erroneously assumed that C would also assist me in setting up a life that we both could benefit from and enjoy. That was apparently not the case.

Continuing with her story, when she was about 20 she moved in with a 40 year old man she worked for a within a week after they started dating.  This man was also broke from the divorce he JUST went through although he owned the company she worked for.  So because she worked for her future fiancé she was getting a paycheck and he was unable to draw a sufficient one for himself the first year.  She helped pay their bills during this time.  After a year he was apparently back on his feet and all was well in her world.  He bought her some horses and a farm in order to have them at home.  To give you an idea on this man’s wealth he owned a ½ million dollar boat race team.  He died after they were together for about 13 years and she inherited the bulk of his estate, not his children from what I understand.  They never ended up getting married and he committed suicide when she left him, at least that’s her story.  She could have been fucking everyone behind his back for all I know.

She seemed to have been an asset for this man.  Judging by her stories she helped with the boat team and was integral in the operation of his companies.  It is apparent that this man made her an alpha widow.  Allegedly, he was her 3rd sexual partner and the last before she became unable to pair bond to another man.  She told me she had about 6 other sexual partners after him and I was her 10th.  Yeah right.  It became obvious that because this man’s history, situation, including having 2 daughters and our personalities being strikingly similar, I was to become his replacement for her.  Unfortunately for her, she was all used up by the time her and I met, not only sexually, but emotionally as well which caused me to decide that she was unqualified for any serious investment on my part.  Furthermore, it just grated on me when she made comparisons between he and I. I did call her out on that shit when it occurred and ignored her for a week or so.  Out of her admitted number of past sexual partners there were 3 STR with lesser alphas or greater betas, and the rest were likely pretty beta. I can only surmise by listening to her talk about these men and asking questions. Thankfully, I was wise enough to see from the beginning she had been searching for her first alpha’s replacement by engaging in serial monogamy coupled with a young fuck buddy and a couple of Craigslist hookups with her playing the unicorn.

Fast forward to about 18 months ago and this is where we met.  She could not afford groceries, she never had much if any cash available and she ALWAYS used her credit cards to buy everything.  I think she had like a dozen of them at this time.

Her financial picture is as follows.  She spent about ½ the estate she inherited on her horses to the tune of more than $250k-$300k.  She works as a secretary for a company making over $50k/year.  When we met she was deeply in debt to the tune of $105k for credit cards and about $300k for real-estate for a total debt load of $405k.  With her other assets she is about $200k in the black.  Not good at all, her liabilities really offset her otherwise considerable assets.  And she is only a secretary with no education, which is interesting. At her rate of burning through her finances she would have been broke long before she was able to retire had I not taught her how to fix her situation.  Now she is in a much better financial position and she has been able to retain 90% of her assets while reducing her considerable liabilities.  I was happy to assist her in the off chance I ended up deciding to commit to her for the long term, but as it turned out I would need her help in the future.

She apparently slept with all the right men until she met me. All of the other men made good money at their jobs.  I even saw a past email she wrote to a friend where she boasted that four men she was dating consecutively all made over $100k/yr.  When I read this her real intentions became crystal clear to me.

Between business challenges and my wife leaving me I was both an emotional and financial wreck.  I sold some assets to barely live off of for the first year.  It was hard and things got shut off from time to time but I made it.  I will admit she did help me out in small ways, but never in a way that would have alleviated any of the considerable pressure I was under at the time.  When she ended the relationship, at a time I REALLY needed her help, she stated very clearly that, “if I am with you I would feel obligated to help you, so in order for me to not feel this obligation I have decided to end this relationship between us”.  She also stated afterwards, “I feel guilty about doing this, so can you just tell me it’s ok, (for being a bitch -my thoughts) so I won’t feel so bad about this?”  I cannot even comment on the selfishness of her words and how her hamster must be running at light speed.  She also mumbled something about all the other men wearing her out.  I think I chuckled at that. I know that it was a nuclear shit test in the order of 100 megatons.  This one was even bigger than the ones she gave about me banging younger woman because she is too old and how I blew off her concerns about the woman I fucked a couple of times during our most recent break up.  The only way I could have diffused this one was when I told her that I am fine with her leaving if she was that selfish and really trying to meaning it.  Either way, I failed in defusing that particular bomb.  I am now indifferent to her, which may even make her want to come back to me, unfortunately.  I had to call her last night (about 3 days after breakup) for some information she had that I needed and I was pretty well indifferent to her.  She asked how I was doing, feigning concern, and I flatly told her I was doing well (I am honestly) and I was hustling up more work.  I never asked how she was doing, nor did I particularly care to be honest.  She did however make it clear she was alone on a Saturday night.  I figured she would be out mining for men again, but I think she mentioned something about her going back to online dating in the spring which is mating season after all.

I will be more diligent of assuming a more amused mastery in my future relationships because ALL WOMEN ARE IN FACT JUST LIKE HER and women do not have any empathy for a man’s problems.  She had to make she also told me she always had money to pay for her stuff, and “she liked her nice stuff”.  Maybe that’s how she managed to burn through so much of her money on just bullshit with nothing of any real value to show.  Her shit test was her hamster validating her rationalizations for leaving me because she did not want to loan me $1000.  That was all I needed and she had the money.  I would have paid her back in 60 – 90 days and I offered her sufficient collateral for this loan.  I hated even having to ask her for this loan for my own egotistical reasons, but if she did loan me the money it would have saved me a bunch of grief.

She never had to struggle financially even when her finances were pretty well fucked before I formulated the plan for her to get out of her pretty dire situation which helped save her ass from impending financial doom.  No good deed goes unpunished.  Like her, most women who are currently or were in the past subsidized by a man (or several men) will refuse to help the man in her life when and should he need it either with physical work and her time or financial help, especially if it would require that she went without a comfort item for a short period of time like buying a new piece of equipment for her hobby.  Women seem to have no moral imperative to do what would be considered right or selfless by men’s standards. I have a friend, who if I asked for his help, he would help even possibly to his own detriment, because he is a good friend and he is knows I would do the same for him. I have FINALLY learned to NEVER ask a woman for help.  Even if I have to sell my ass, it is better than asking for a woman’s assistance on anything in life.  Just to be clear I have no intention of selling my ass or becoming a homo, it was only an example.

This essay might sound whiny and yes, I am bitching about her fucked up thinking, but she really illuminated some very important issues and she showed me who she really is as a person and proved to me that modern women are in fact really fucked up. Her actions and words were very clear and convincing evidence that women don’t suffer like men, a woman will not help a man even if she could because just by virtue of the man needing her help reduces or eliminates his attractiveness to her and no woman want to feel guilty or take responsibility for their actions.

I realized that I never intended to be with her long term because I was seeing her as more and more undesirable by the day.  I knew I could and would do so much better as soon as I got on my feet again and pulled my head out of my ass.  She was too old, had way too many cocks, was an alpha widow and in the end argumentative and domineering.  Her pussy was fun but in the end that’s about all she brought to the table.  As it turns out the best thing happened and I can concentrate on my own life without any distractions from her.  And yes, I will spin more plates dammit.

Please comment if any of you have seen similar situations happen.  I am interested in hearing your stories.

By: MonkeyWrench

The reason why this is simply because when I met her and then married her I thought we would be together forever.  As inexplicable as it sounds I loved her from the beginning even though I was spinning plates, a term I learned in sales and reinforced in the manosphere.  Through thick or thin I thought she and I would always be a team.  I guess I should have though the whole marriage thing through a bit more and realized our marriage was bound to fail.  She was a hot (HB 8) 19 year old when we met.  I married her a couple of years later and for the 13 years we were together I always thought she was the most beautiful woman in the world to me.  I thought I would always feel like this about her and for the most part I have, even today I see her in this light, although I try hard not to.  Maybe this was because of my love for her combined with her general attractiveness and our time together.  However, one mindset I had to change when we married was my habit of looking at flaws in my previous girlfriends.  Although I did not have a term for it then, it was my anti-pedestalization of my former girlfriends.  I knew this was one thing I had to change from my previous behaviors in order to enable a more lifetime monogamous mindset.  I put on my wife goggles; nonetheless I refused to put her on a pedestal, even though I did not concentrate on her flaws.  Unfortunately she did the complete opposite, as women seem to do more than they do not.  She concentrated on my flaws, and when she left she had such a list I am sure she was writing them down somewhere throughout our entire marriage.  I just needed her to want me, so I could want her in the way I needed to.  She wanted to control me and she used sex and my attraction to her to do this.  It was like I had a hot wife who would never let me touch her.

I was 7 years older than her and that was a benefit I thoroughly enjoyed.  I would even speculate we were both at our peak physical attractiveness at the time, but do to my business and higher than average income my SMV was higher but averaged to be the same as her SMV after I joined the marines and my income went to almost nothing.

Dalrock explains that he, like me finds his wife just as beautiful as when they married.  As men, like many others, our love for our wives grew over the years, even while our wives objective beauty lessened, just not to us.  This is how it should be with husbands concerning their wives, as long as our wives makes some effort to stay fit and healthy, as mine did.  We do not see the effects on our wives bodies by having our babies.  We see it as the love they have for us and our children.  I think of my wife’s youth and her formerly tight body as her gift to me so we could have our family.  I always tried to honor her with this mindset.  I was blind to any of her physical imperfections and even today I have a hard time seeing them, although I know objectively they are there.  What I saw every time I looked at her, is the pretty young face I fell in love with originally.  Unfortunately, she threw this all away when she decided to throw away our marriage.

I tried to give my wife the best of me, and my best was in fact good enough.  Even though I screwed up a bunch in our marriage, as did she, I made a commitment to her in front of God that I would never leave her, and I would not have unless she was banging another man.  That is one indiscretion I will not forgive with any woman.

I will always have her youth and her peak fertility.  That is something no other man will ever get from her, she does not have another youth after all.  My replacement will only get stretch marks, saggy tits, and her now flat ass.  And we cannot forget the attitude and the extra emotional baggage along with her diminished sexual responses.  I must honestly admit though that she will stay attractive for her age group for several more years, at least when considering the attractiveness of her mother for her age.  I figure within her age group she will maintain a (6-7) rating until at least 40 if she keeps the weight off, which for her does require some working out a few days a week.

It is so important that woman marry when they are young.  I cannot stress enough that any self respecting man should not marry an older woman after she hits The Wall.  Those few years at her peak hotness is so vitally important for us men to look back to with happiness when the results of the children she bore can be seen and our wives age, at times not so well.  As men we generally will remain faithful and committed for life to the wives of our youth.  This can be seen in current divorce statistics where men are much less likely to initiate divorce or the destruction of the marriage.

Women are at many severe disadvantages when they forgo marriage when they are young or divorce their first husbands.  Alas, the men who marry women after 25 or so are likely only getting the scraps that are left of her sexuality, her ability to pair bond, her attractiveness and more importantly, her peak fertility.  With older divorced or never married women, men are more likely to encounter women with children from another man, or in many cases several different men.

This scenario creates a cuckold relationship either reactively or proactively, as in my case where my replacement will be likely expending his resources provisioning my children.  I find it terribly disturbing that another man will be influencing my children in any way regardless of his financial contributions, which are more for buying access to my ex wife’s pussy than providing for the children I would imagine.  He will be the Beta who is unable to smell the fear that coming from my ex wife as she approaches the wall at 250 mph.  I suppose she will tempt him with her devotion to God and her mothering skills.  This is likely due to her trying to conform me to the weak Christian Beta male frame.  I hope she at least learns how to give blowjobs for my replacement; he deserves at least that much.  She might even promise him a child.  But as far as I’m concerned the only babies coming out of her are to be mine regardless of our divorce.  It makes sense to have all the kids from the same father anyways and our girls are beautiful and smart, so why mess around with inferior genes, at least that’s my opinion.  I can’t wait for the feminists to jump on me for that comment.

My wife is also teaching our daughters that her behavior is normal.  My ex will justify her actions to them.  I imagine that, like me, they will realize the bullshit when they are older and take her to task for her decision to nuke our family.  Soon after my wife left and moved in with my mother, yes you read that right, I pretty much told my mother that she is no longer a part of my life because of her direct influencing and encouraging my wife to divorce me, and her own prior decision to unilaterally blow up our family when I was younger.  This is a perfect example of the cycle of divorce.  At some point men need to take these women to task for what they do.

This really was not the soft flowery post I was originally hoping to write, but it’s the truth of my life and how the red pill principals, natural laws and social conventions have affected my marriage and my wife’s behavior.  I screwed up plenty also by being Beta when I should have been Alpha and vice versa.  I just wish she would have decided to check her behavior before she left.  I think if she did, we might have been able to fix our marriage, but then again, I probably would have not found the manosphere and would have continued with my same damaging mindset.

Women are at many severe disadvantages when they forgo marriage when they are young or divorce their first husbands.  Alas, the men who marry women after 25 or so are likely only getting the scraps that are left of her sexuality, her ability to pair bond, her attractiveness and more importantly, her peak fertility.  With older divorced or never married women, men are more likely to encounter women with children from another man, or in many cases several different men.

This scenario creates a cuckold relationship either reactively or proactively, as in my case where my replacement will be likely expending his resources provisioning my children.  I find it terribly disturbing that another man will be influencing my children in any way regardless of his financial contributions, which are more for buying access to my ex wife’s pussy than providing for the children I would imagine.  He will be the Beta who is unable to smell the fear that coming from my ex wife as she approaches the wall at 250 mph.  I suppose she will tempt him with her devotion to God and her mothering skills.  This is likely due to her trying to conform me to the weak Christian Beta male frame.  I hope she at least learns how to give blowjobs for my replacement; he deserves at least that much.  She might even promise him a child.  But as far as I’m concerned the only babies coming out of her are to be mine regardless of our divorce.  It makes sense to have all the kids from the same father anyways and our girls are beautiful and smart, so why mess around with inferior genes, at least that’s my opinion.  I can’t wait for the feminists to jump on me for that comment.

My wife is also teaching our daughters that her behavior is normal.  My ex will justify her actions to them.  I imagine that, like me, they will realize the bullshit when they are older and take her to task for her decision to nuke our family.  Soon after my wife left and moved in with my mother, yes you read that right, I pretty much told my mother that she is no longer a part of my life because of her direct influencing and encouraging my wife to divorce me, and her own prior decision to unilaterally blow up our family when I was younger.  This is a perfect example of the cycle of divorce.  At some point men need to take these women to task for what they do.

This really was not the soft flowery post I was originally hoping to write, but it’s the truth of my life and how the red pill principals, natural laws and social conventions have affected my marriage and my wife’s behavior.  I screwed up plenty also by being Beta when I should have been Alpha and vice versa.  I just wish she would have decided to check her behavior before she left.  I think if she did, we might have been able to fix our marriage, but then again, I probably would have not found the manosphere and would have continued with my same damaging mindset.

EDIT: Even after more than 18 months I still find myself comparing every attractive blond to my her.  I hope I will stop doing this soon.